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Congratulations to Sinton Group on the successful launch of new online product in 2022

2022-04-18 17:20:28

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The new product launch conference of Sinton Energy Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. in spring 2022 was held on April 15th, 2022 at 14:00 pm as scheduled. The conference venue was released simultaneously in the factory workshop and webcast room of Sinton Group.

Guests at the press conference:

David Wang, chairman of SINTON ELECTRIC CO.,LTD.  

Sun Jianqiang, Deputy General Manager of SINTON ELECTRIC CO.,LTD.

Ms. Yang Lijuan, Chief Financial Officer of SINTON ELECTRIC CO.,LTD.

Jessica Xie, General Manager of SINTON ELECTRIC CO.,LTD.

Ms. Zhu Yingchun, General Manager of China Hopebond Eco Tech Co., Ltd.

Ms Chen Hui, General Manager of Sinton Technology Limited

Mr zhong Jie, general manager of Jiangsu PXB industrial co., ltd

Ms. Wang Xiaodan, General Manager of Sinton Energy Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. and friends from all walks of life, etc.

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Leaders and Guests

At the beginning of the meeting, Ms. Wang Xiaodan, general manager of Sinton Energy Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd., came to the stage to give a speech!

David Wang expressed his warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the guests, leaders and agents all over the country!

At the same time, David Wang shared a report with the theme of "Development Opportunities under the Double Carbon Target", and interpreted the macro policies issued by the state since the 14th Five-Year Plan. 

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At the meeting, David Wang also said: With the orderly advancement of the national policy of "carbon neutrality and carbon compliance", various supporting policies for coal-to-electricity and electric heating industries have been introduced one after another. Shandong, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Shanxi and other regions have all issued various policies to promote coal-to-electricity conversion, which will make the clean energy heating industry usher in a rapid development peak. We should also seize the opportunity to develop industries and make our own efforts for China to achieve the goal of double carbon at an early date! 

Under this background, in order to respond to the national call for efficient, energy-saving and clean heating, and meet the market demand for efficient, durable, intelligent and low-cost electric heating products, Sinton Energy R&D team devoted itself to R&D, and took the lead in successfully developing a variety of new energy-saving products in the industry, helping to realize the double-carbon goal! 

The second content of the meeting was the unveiling ceremony of the new product launch, which was jointly unveiled by the leaders and guests of Sinton Group. 

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David Wang, chairman of Sinton Group, and Sun Jianqiang, deputy general manager, unveiled the new product launch conference. 

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Leaders and guests took a group photo

The third item of the meeting was Sun Gang, technical director of Sinton Energy Company, who introduced the relevant technical features and advantages of the new products. 

The new products introduced this time include: 1. Energy storage electric boiler, 2. Nano alloy boiler, 3. Solar thermal products and air energy products, etc., covering all heating and hot water products.

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Director Sun Gang introduced the performance and characteristics of the new products at the press conference.

In addition to heating products, the products released at this conference also introduced energy-saving hot water equipment and systems, which can realize the design of hot water systems with ultra-low operating cost. Sun also fully demonstrated the intelligent control system developed and designed by Sinton, applied the Internet of Everything technology to clean energy products, and led the intelligent upgrading and development of the industry. The new products and performances released at the conference were highly recognized and praised by the participants! 

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All kinds of energy-saving heating and hot water products on display

The last item of the meeting was: David Wang of Sinton Energy Company announced the reservation policy of new product launch, and the agency responded enthusiastically. 

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After 90 minutes, the meeting was successfully concluded. At last, the leaders of the group took a group photo with the guests. 

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In the future, Sinton Energy will continue to develop and upgrade new energy-savingroducts, devote itself to providing cocost-effectivenergy - saving equipment for a wide range of users, and build a platform for considerable development for the majority of agent partners Together with Sinton Group, we will join hands to meet the great development opportunity of "Double Carbon Target"!


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